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This Bodybuilder Almost Lost His Arms After Turning Into The Hulk!!!


Meet Romario Dos Santos, he’s a 25-year-old aspiring body builder and he risked his life to look like the human Hulk. He changed from the guy photographed above into a real life Hulk after becoming obsessed with and addicted to synthol, which is a “site enhancement oil used to give the illusion of muscle.”

About three years ago, Romario befriended some bodybuilders at a new gym who had huge arms.
“They introduced me to synthol and I got excited about the results – I lost control,” he said. “My muscles started to solidify and I couldn’t even inject my arms – they were full of rocks… I decided the only thing I could do was buy specialist needles to inject.”

Romario-Dos-Santos-Alves_1 (1)

His addiction to synthol got so bad that Romario lost his job, he was depressed and even attempted suicide. In addition to being addictive, synthol can cause nerve damage, pulmonary embolisms, strokes and muscle cysts, but for Romario, his muscles turned to rock.

His biceps had swollen to a ridiculous 25 inches and he was hospitalized when his mental health deteriorated.
“I remember the doctor told me that they would need to amputate both arms – they said everything in there, all my muscles, were rock,” he said. “It was either that or cut all of my muscles out.”

He continued, “And then thank God the doctor told me that they did not have to amputate – they could instead remove the synthol rocks which had formed in my arms.”

Years later, it’s still Romario’s dream to to be a bodybuilder but he will never take synthol again. “If you take it once there will definitely be a second time – it’s addictive.”

Check out some of Romario’s insane photos below.

(Images: Mirror, Complex)
This Bodybuilder Almost Lost His Arms After Turning Into The Hulk!!! This Bodybuilder Almost Lost His Arms After Turning Into The Hulk!!! Reviewed by Unknown on 23:32 Rating: 5

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